Butterfly flowers/garden to keep my veggies happy.


I need to read the above and catch up! Went to a butterfly summit over the weekend and ended up with buying plants to create a small butterfly garden, in particular a waystation for monarchs given I found out their population is down 90%. The photo is of the type of plants I bought. This will also make my veggies happy. A win/win. Sorta food related? Oh and a white hydrangea that’s as big as your head – just because. smileys/smile.gif


Don't forget to dry the hydrangeas if you'd like in the fall (I like to do them when they are very green after they lose their white color. We have 6 huge bushes (can easily provide for a wedding:). Years ago I also bought a strawberry-vanilla cone shaped hydrangea that blooms a bit later; their dried flowers are magnificent.

Get a butterfly bush. It will come back every year. Zinnias are a cheery little annual that they

love also.

I was on the northern coast of Ohio last weekend

(I live on the southern coast as we call it: The Ohio River) to attend the funeral of a dear friend's father. We stopped off at his mom's several times and I toured her garden. There, to my wondering eyes, she had a huge patch of milkweed. A weed where I grew up. I saw the milkweed and said, "That looks like milkweed!"

Yes, it was, and Mom said the butterflies love it!!!

So I guess next time I go out the homeland to visit my brother, I need to dig up some milkweed. And I'll add ironweed and mayapples that everyone seems to be growing now in their butterfly gardens.
