Butternut squash pound cake!

This intrigques me, but

Would you use a 1 lb squash in a typical loaf of pound cake? I'm going to have to hunt for a full recipe...it may be on our menu this weekend.

Erin, what if you used a sweet potato pound cake recipe and subed the squash for the potatoes?

A bunch of sweet potato pound cake recipes came up when Googled. You could prepare the squash as he indicates and then add in place of the postates.

Oh, good point; thanks. smileys/smile.gif I'll have to start Googling!

It might be a while before I get around to making it (low-cholesterol, pound cake is not, and we're on a low-chol. kick at the moment), but if anyone gives it a shot, I'd love to hear how it turns out!

The presentation is lovely, too--I'm drooling at the thought of serving it with rum raisin ice cream.

hahaha!! that got a bit dicey, hey? better yet...

we can call your mathematician when we're ready, let him do the calculating!

So...Sandra and I will, in the name of research, go check out this cake and report back. smileys/smile.gif

Yes, we may have to order an extra portion, just to be sure....

Or maybe tackle one of the kitchen staff??
