Calling Marilyn! Calling Marylin!


Well-known member
Guess what? I got the chocolate sauce! WOW, what a wonderful surprise, beautiful presentation, loved it!

I am not an expert in chocolate sauces, but Phil grew up enjoying his family's take on it, particularly his Grandma. He said your chocolate sauce ranks at the top with the best he's ever had from his family! NOw how's THAT for a compliment?

both Phil and I did not think it was "smoky" or or "burnt tasting", so I am not sure what Larry refers to, palates are so personal, maybe he detects something we don.t I don't like things overly sweet, and found the sauce to be just right, so your reduction of the corn syrup was spot on, I suppose

Finally, Phil said "If she would be selling this, I would be buying it". She's got some seriously good chocolate sauce going on there!

So, thanks so much for sending it to me! Plus, it arrived one day after my Bday, how is that for timing?

Many choc hugs going your way....

Excellent! Thanks for being such a thoughtful guinea pi...lab ra...friend!

I've lost my 70% Callebaut 5 KG block source and the last replacement was a small callet that seemed to bloom much too soon. This batch was an attempt using 3 different amounts/percentages of chocolate and I think it ends up around 64%.

What I like is it's scoop-able when cold and holds its shape. Make truffles with it, roll in cocoa or nuts and you're good to go.

I haven't tested multiple re-heatings yet, but think it still has enough corn syrup to stop that problem. Now to find the scrap of paper where I worked out the percentages...

Merci. Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! Have fun in Brazil!
