Can buttermilk and sour cream be used interchangeably in most recipes??


Well-known member
I often see a recipe say "buttermilk or sour cream", but are there times when substituting one for the other just doesn't work?

I've always used buttermilk, sour cream and yogurt interchangeably for baked stuff, always with good

results. Most of the time they won't work well interchangeably in various nonbaked things, such as dips, dressings, sauces, etc. Also, yogurt or buttermilk cannot replace sour cream in cheesecakes.

I have used them interchageably in baked stuff too....

I even use soy stuff (soy sour cream, soy yogurt, etc.) for any of those things (buttermilk, sour cream, yogurt) in a recipe.

Thanks everyone - knew I could count on you... made a delicious coffee cake tonight

using sour cream instead of the buttermilk and it was superb!
