Can I make Carianna's Shrimp Cakes using crab instead? I mean will the tastes go together well?


Well-known member
I'm on a crab kick lately now... love crab stuffing inside of white fish. Making this for New Year's Eve I've decided.

And does anyone know what the difference is between pink crabmeat and white crabmeat? Except that the white is pricier.

The flavor would be good, but unless you can get raw crab I am not sure it would work.

I cannot get fresh crab here, only cooked. The stickiness from the raw shrimp helped to bind it together. Maybe some other more experienced
"cake" maker can help you with this one. I am thinking of trying it with raw chicken breasts to see how it works. It would be a nice quick weekday dinner if it would. What's the deal with you guys having no snow???

Maybe I could use some egg white... here is a link to our downtown. We usually have a coupla feet by

