Can I rant? NFRC: Another full moon?


Well-known member
I'd like to get a couple opinions on this if you have one...

At a crowded gas station, can someone please tell me if it's not only a considerate thing to do, but maybe even required by law, to drive in one direction if other cars are in line in front of the gas tanks?! More than once I've been cheated out of my turn where I've been patiently waiting at the pump because someone has scooted in line coming from the other direction. Today took the cake.

I was inside getting a receipt and there was a small line. When I went in to pay, gas already pumped, there was a car ahead of me and a car waiting behind me to pump gas after I drove forward. We were all facing the same direction.

When I came out, there was still the car behind me, and a guy standing outside of his car which was FACING me, so I was blocked in. Okay, I figured, one of us has got to move here, but I'll patiently wait until he's done. I get in my car and sit. He stands outside of his car and starts ranting and raving at me. I lowered my window and said, "Is there a problem?" He shouts "YES, back up!" I said "I can't, there is a car behind me!" "TRRRRRRY..." he says very sarcastically. He starts shaking his head and yells something (I'm sure about me) at the woman (and child!) in his car, and starts to get back into his car, and now I'm shouting "You're not even supposed to be going in the opposite direction here!", to which he tells me to do something that I believe is quite anatomically impossible, gets in his car, and finally backs up so I can drive forward, past him. Last thing I saw of him, he was flooring it towards his spot in front of the gas tank which was only about 6 feet away from him (I hope the guy behind me drove up behind me and took it!). People just stared at us with their mouths open...

Somewhere I think I read something about this as being as illegal as going the wrong way down a one-way street. Fine, if there is no one else in line, but you are not allowed to go head-to-head and mess up the whole flow. I mean, isn't it only common sense? To find a line so that your gas opening is on the same side as the nozzle and get in line behind someone, not in front of them? It isn't that hard!

Maybe it's the price of gas freaking everybody out, or the fact that you had to go in and get your receipt if you want one, pump still not working correctly. I just hope that there are 2 nice people out there for every jerk I've run into lately!

I don't know about gas station rules, but I do think people are getting much ruder.

Not only ruder, but completely ignoring basic driving rules, like STOPPING AT THE STOP SIGN. There is a reason why it's called a STOP SIGN and not a "speed up instead of stopping and pull directly across a busy 4-lane highway because, heavens forbid, you might have to wait an extra 30 nanoseconds" sign.

I'm also noticing LOTS more "highway memorial" signs...those little fake flower displays with the person's name who died at that site. I must past 50 of them on a 30 mile stretch into work.

This guy has issues much larger than the direction he was driving. He sound;s like a psycho

and it's a good thing it didn't escalate farther than it did.

As for directions, the gas stations around here don't post which direction to go in, and if it's a corner lot there are several entrances, and so it's a very frustrating free-for all to find a spot. I'd be happy to proceed in the proper direction If I knew what it was.

On base the cashier will come out and chase off cars that try to go the wrong way.

But civilian stations don't have any rules and it has caused quite a few close calls.

I almost got out of my car to yell at a guy that honked at me for not pulling out in front of a semi

the other day. I was at the end of a ramp that went a few hundred feet before it played out and the right lane had a semi running full speed. Wy would I pull out that close to a semi who might have been wanting to turn right onto the street right there?

Or the lady that parked in the striped area BETWEEN two handicap parking spaces at Costco the other day.

This was an anger mgmt problem...

here I do know of a couple of gas stations with posted one way in/one way out signs. Most are up for grabs and I often see folks pulling in every which way. Most stations where I see this tho have enough room for a car to drive between the the cars at the pumps so you can get out.

This guy had issues and I try to look at these things from the point of view that I don't know what just happened in someone's life to cause their outburst. Hopefully for their family's sake they aren't always like that. Good thing you got away from him.

Thanks for the kind words all. The thing I was wondering about wasn't a "fixed" one-way sign, but

just common sense that people wouldn't go every which way, just use their intellegence. Only one place around here has signs indicating which way you should enter, and you pick the line according to which side your gas tank is on. I suppose they've had problems in the past, and that's why they have the signs. I would think that in the absence of sign, though, people would get in line behind someone, not in front of them. But I guess not!

I guess it's just one of my pet peeves. Sending DH to get gas for a while - either that, or I'll go at midnight when I'm the only one there! ;o) You should've seen the looks on the people's faces at the other pumps though - it got me wondering if I was wrong in telling him he was going the wrong way! I was rattled at first, but soon realized it wasn't me.

No - people are getting more rude now-a-days- my husband was stopped at a stop sign

on a very busy road. The cross road didn't have a stop sign and was very busy from both directions. As he waited for a break in the traffic, the woman behind him started laying on her horn. Where was he to go? There were no breaks in traffic! Finally he put the car in park and went to her door - and asked her what the problem was? SHe said he was taking too long to cross. He asked if she saw a break in the traffic - she said no - but she was in a hurry and he needed to move. He told her - well it's going to take longer now - because I had to get out of my car to see what your problem was - and now I'll get into mine and wait until I can safely cross the intersection. He told her - after that - if she wants to run into traffic that's her decision.

Oh - did I mention this woman had a young child in the car with her... What an example she was setting!!!!

Oh, don't even get me started on the examples people are for their children!!!! I PITY the next gen
