Can I use soft caramel sauce in lieu of sugar for a meringue?


Or is the chemical structure totally skewed because the sugar is already melted..and there's butter/heavy cream involved?

Whipping egg whites to meringue & fat does not work. Even the tiniest bit of fat on your bowl or bea

Can prevent the eggs from achieving volume. You can use caramelized sugar syrup though.

ya...I was hoping I was wrong about that "fat" assumption. And I've already got the caramel made.

So I wouldn't have had to do the "Let's Try Not To Burn The Sugar AGAIN This Time, Shall We?" caramel fandango. Ole!

Not so much the fat but the process - Swiss meringue buttercream for instance

has the fat added to the meringue but only after the egg whites and sugar are heated and beaten until the stiff peaks form. So now you have me wondering about a caramel meringue - beating caramelized sugar into egg whites (to make divinity you beat in sugar syrup) so figuring out the portions and such so that it isn't divinity and isn't marshmallows - science geek in me coming out.
