can my potato salad be saved? somehow, I managed to undercook the potatoes.


Well-known member
it's my recipe that is left in brine for 24 hours before adding mayo. the mayo is added and they are just a bit too hard :-0

I have no idea how I managed that one. even though they're brined, do you think if I washed off the mayo and boiled them until tender it would work? I just hate to dump the whole bowl.


Yep, I've done that exact thing. Rinse the whole kit and kaboodle

in a colander (eggs, celery, potato, etc). Pick out the potatoes and reboil.

All you lose is your dressing and marinating time.
Worth it to avoid hard bits, as they will not soften, no matter how much dressing you add. (spoken from experience).

whew! thanks Mar, I'll rinse and boil again. it's just the mayo part of the dressing

so that should be OK and I can add more bacon after they're cooked through. ya know, I sliced them and boiled them and they were easily pierced with a fork. go figure.

I guess I had kitchen gremlins running around that eve. I was making linguine for Don, had it perfectly timmed to be done by the time soprano's started and when I dumped the pasta into the boiling water it was full of little black bugs
