In the past I've bought Tri-tip, tossed it in a ziploc with stupidly simple marinade (at the link) and froze the whole thing. This time since it's just me, I wanted to freeze in single serving sizes.
So instead I marinaded first, discarded the cilantro, boiled like when I use for dipping, cooled, then put in ice cube trays...but they've never froze completely.
(Also, to add insult to injury...every single marinated "steak" I cut the tri-tips into/foodsavered to go with, somehow unshrank/now has air inside the sealed bag and got freezer burn.)
What gives?
So instead I marinaded first, discarded the cilantro, boiled like when I use for dipping, cooled, then put in ice cube trays...but they've never froze completely.
(Also, to add insult to injury...every single marinated "steak" I cut the tri-tips into/foodsavered to go with, somehow unshrank/now has air inside the sealed bag and got freezer burn.)
What gives?