Can someone explain to me why this didn't freeze...


In the past I've bought Tri-tip, tossed it in a ziploc with stupidly simple marinade (at the link) and froze the whole thing. This time since it's just me, I wanted to freeze in single serving sizes.

So instead I marinaded first, discarded the cilantro, boiled like when I use for dipping, cooled, then put in ice cube trays...but they've never froze completely.

(Also, to add insult to injury...every single marinated "steak" I cut the tri-tips into/foodsavered to go with, somehow unshrank/now has air inside the sealed bag and got freezer burn.)

What gives?

I find that things with a high sugar content (jam, chutney, etc.) don't freeze solid.

If you boiled down the pineapple juice it might have had the same effect. They're still safe from bacteria and other spoilage--they just don't get hard like ice.
