Can someone please bring me up to speed. What is the "like it" button used for? I am seeing it


Well-known member
frequently. Why would anyone care if I like it?

Also, I noticed that Epi now tweets and you can reddit? and Dig? What are they?

Why would anyone tweet on epi? Also, if you get a twitter account, does that mean that they can follow you and see who you are following??

The world has changed so much in a few years.

And I don't even want to talk about Apps .... yet...



It is for facebook. On the bottom of a few epi recipes they offer it. I think it on the voting page

I still don't get it... Seriously, why would anyone care if I hit the like it button? Do people

read what people say "like" to? So much to learn! : )

Barb, I was hoping someone that has more knowledge would come

forward but I'll see if I can make a stab at it. "Like" is a face book thing. I have a face book page ONLY because I've found that often I can't get a coupon unless I "like" them on face book. Ugh! Then they can put continuous stuff about their product on the page. I suppose this is because they want all my other "friends" to be drawn to their website. Thing is, I set every setting so that NO ONE can see my page. I'm really not much help. Sorry

Thank you Orchid, I was also hoping for an answer as I asked the same question here before with no

response. I've run into the coupon thing, too. Thanks to you, I'll try to figure out how to make my page invisible, too. Funny thing is, I'm so paranoid I used almost all fake info to set up my page. This amuses my daughter no end.

Yes, there is nothing "real" about me. My husband can't even find me.The

only reason I did it is to stop all the crap that was showing up. I really disliked that. Go to "Account" and click on "Privacy" you can select just who you want to see your page so you can choose family and friends. There is just to much I don't like about face book and I'm not really into meeting anyone. I have plenty of friends that I know already and am just not into hooking up anyone. Just give me the damn coupon! LOL

If you "like" something, it shows up in your Facebook stream. I use it mostly

for myself. Instead of bookmarking an article I want to go back to, I "like" it and can easily find it again in my Facebook status.

As a side note, I do think other people like reading things you may find interesting. I've found some very interesting articles that way--especially from sources that are not part of my regular reading rotation. (I read the New York Times, but a friend often "likes" articles from the Washington Post. It's fun to see another perspective.)

If you hover your mouse pointer over the right side of the poster's name a few inches...

You will see an X appear - if you click it, you can select to HIDE all posts by that person. VERY helpful with the "like us to get a coupon" people.

Really, some people have no life and continually go around "liking" people's posts. Remember when we didn't know so many intimate details about each other?!

I never use it, but here's the reasons why you may poke someone (or be poked)

There are a number of reasons to send pokes, both to your friends and to those who aren't on your friends list, including:
Just to say a quick "hello."

To remind someone that you're waiting on a reply or message from him or her.

"To check in and see if that person has visited Facebook lately.

To let someone know you're thinking of him or her.

If you think you might know someone, but aren't sure if it's the right person. A poke is less intrusive than a friend request, and if that person does know you, he or she will poke you back.

Just for fun."

When you log on facebook, you see your own name (or the

account holder's name) on the left-hand side. Click on the name and your Facebook history shows up. All your status updates, all the pages you've "liked", conversations you've publicly been a part of, and status updates that you have been directly mentioned in.

LOL! OK, this confirms that Facebook is just not for me! As everyone

can tell I don't have much respect for it. It just seems to me that we have a lot of people who haven't learned how to connect with real people and are reaching out for something or someone. Sadly, it has destroyed too many marriages. It's easier to go to La La land than work out a problem. I know, I have been very opinionated about this but I have a real gut feeling about it. And, remember...I'm a real flamin' liberal. LOL

Oh, I see... and yes, orchid, it's the same thing. It didn't occur to me to use it as a 'bookmark'!

Thanks everyone. Facebook scares me. BUT, I think that I will need to learn. What about Twitter?

There are many differences between Facebook and Twitter. One major

difference is, on Facebook people need to ask for permission to see your content. Twitter, while there are security levels to protect your content from public viewing, generally, anyone can see your information.

I say Facebook is for the people you know; Twitter is for the people you *want* to know. For me, there is no doubt, Twitter was life changing. I've been able to chat online with people I never thought I'd have access to. (Randomly one night, I launched into a conversation with Moosewood Cookbook author Mollie Katzen. Did you know those books really are written in her own handwriting? Not a font, based on her handwriting, as someone else suggested.)

My base of "followers" on Twitter is large enough that I use it often as a resource. Where do I find gigante beans? What's the best scale for bakers? That kind of thing.

I'd say people use Twitter in many different ways. Some for business, others for self-promotional purposes, and others for social reasons.

Facebook, to me, is more personal because I know most everyone who has access to my content. I use it to link articles I find interesting, note things that I'm up to ("I'm cooking for The Family this week. Here's what I made...). People with kids upload photos, which is really nice. I have friends in Arizona who I haven't seen in nearly 10 years but I see regular updates of their kid's photos. I love it.

It took me a while to grasp both Twitter and Facebook. I like them both, for different reasons.

Thanks for the details. Why would anyone follow EPI? What would they tweet? I "understand"

following a person; but what would the value be of following a "thing?" Do you know when someone is following you on twitter? And do you know who they are?

What are the other one's that are on EPI; Reddit & Dig?

I really appreciate the thought out response and details. It is fascinating how quickly things are changing.
