Can someone please tell me the expiration date for a product from Spain that is labeled as


Well-known member
08/07/09? I remember something about the dates labeled differently in some other countries? Just don't tell me it was 07, lol.

Generally, the year is the last figure in Europe. I looked at an old

jar (long expired but the jar is good) from Spain, the year is definitely last. From France, the year is definitely last. It's all very logical...


Some people use that system in Canada as it was many years ago...I'm one of them.

Thanks Marg, it makes sense. I thought the year might be listed first.

I couldn't believe chorizo could last that long, lol.

This would mean that you have chorizo that expires in '09? I'm wondering if

you have something that was labelled in the US.

If what I said is true, the chorizo would blow up in July of 2009. I think it normally is dated out several months, but that seems a bit extended.

And by the way, I have found items that were CLEARLY and unmistakably mislabelled....dated incorrectly regardless of format. I think we just have to be a bit wary in any case. There are so many sloppy errors that occur these days.

OK. Now I'M curious. I really am wondering if they are date-stamped in the US format for

distribution on this side of the ocean. Would it be interesting enough to ask them?

I wish the world would just adapt to MY format. Life would be much easier.

I sent them an email. I really want to know and I think it's important info for them to distribute.

More that I found interesting is that this site offers unpasteruized cheeses. In Canada, we cannot

import unpasteurized cheeses. If you as an American, were returning from France, would customs allow you to enter with unpast. cheese?

Marg, I got it at Costco, it's in a 2 lb package and they are individually wrapped into

about 8 ounce packages. The package doesn't mention a US distributor and the expiration date is in English and also in Spanish with the numbers reading exactly the same. It would have been easy if all the numbers hadn't been so close to 08. It's an extremely dried product, perhaps, like jerky, it just lasts forever.

Edited to say I paid $16 for almost two lbs, it's $9 for 7.9 ounces on this site.

on the difference of dates re America and elsewhere....check the new passport of...

America...your birthdate is listed as it is elsewhere in the world now.....Day/Month/Year.....LOL...yet, when I take dates of birth from guests who are about to sail to other islands/nations they repeat the date the usual American way....wrong way for me to list as it should be exactly as it is in the passport ...and also wrong way for me anyway/anycase ......geez...can't have any wine to drink before trying to explain all this.


I'm really into Burgundys as the moment. But for Memorial Day bbqs, maybe Farnese's Casale Vecchio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo or Kaiken Malbec (from Argentina). Neither are expensive and both are easy-going wines with lots of body and flavor. cheers, Bonnie


Do try a few if you get the chance! It's a variety that Argentina does really well. Not a hugely complex type of grape, but gives loads of fruit and flavor and pleasure in the wine. Catena is also a well-known, widely-available producer, producing Malbec under the Catena name and also under the name Alamos (the lesser priced in the line, but very good value for money). Kaiken is the one I know the best - crowd pleasing stuff. cheers, Bonnie

I couldn't find any. : ( Nan, do you find these in Kethchikan? Maybe I'll go to the main

Brown Jug store, but the smaller outlets didn't have any Malbec---and when I asked, I got "huh?".

Hmmmm, interesting, Ketchikan is a wine town, but would think any of the somewhat big ones??

I have a small problem with Safeway's liquor stores since they open up in the same mall with a local store.

I will not shop at the one here, but did step into the one in Soldotna and they seemed to have a heck of a selection.

I know silly me, you might also look for a store that is more of a wine shop, tasting??

Let me know,
