Can someone tell me what this cut of London Broil is? I'm beef clueless!


Well-known member
It is marked..."Beef Round Top Round 1st cut London Broil". What does that mean and is it a good quality for the grill? What would you do! TIA

I'm beef clueless too, but I think I know this one. It's from the hind quarter (rump) and it

has good flavor. Marinate it if you'd like, and grill it. It won't be particularly tender, so slice it very thin, against the grain.

Top round is from the inside part of the leg (hind quarter) and it passes for London Broil in our...

markets. I was taught that London Broil is truely flank steak--from the er flank.

Good Meat Reference - North American Beef Processors

London broil is not a cut though the way most grocery stores use it you would think it is. It is actually a preparation method and the original way was to pan fry a flank steak quickly to medium rare and then cut across the grain into thin slices. The more common preparation now days is to marinate and grill and then slice thinly across the grain.

Thanks Joe, charlie and Missy. I think I was hoping I had some super

duper top of the line quality of beef. I'm not a real beef fan but John is so I try and toss it on the menu once in a while. I am always disappointed when I do London Broil. It just always seems tough and we always grill to med-rare and cut across the grain. I had a friend that would make it and it was always so tender but I was never able to find out why. I wondered if I wasn't buying the correct "cut". I've saved that link Missy. Just an excellent resource. Thanks!
