Can this pudding be saved?


I needed to get a pound of milk chocolate chunks OUT of the house and several miles away from my Lack Of Willpower.

LOW has been feeling, well...lowly lately and what makes LOW happy is chocolate. Milk chocolate in general and gianduja in particular. I pulled up the epicurious recipe for milk chocolate pudding which I had made a month or so ago. Several of the reviewers had commented that it was too thick, so back then when I made a double batch I used 3 TBL instead of 4 TBL for 4 cups of liquids.

It was good, but still a little too thick for me. When I needed to use up 16 oz of chocolate yesterday, I only used 5 TBL of cornstarch for 8 cups of liquid instead of 8 TBL.

The pudding is tasty and slighly spoonable, but it's still not quite there.

The question (and you knew I would eventually get around to a question, right?) is: can I heat up a bit more liquid, say 1 cup of heavy cream, with 3 more TBL of cornstarch, boil that for one minute, then add the cold, slightly thickened pudding back into it?

Or will that curdle the entire batch?

If I succeed, the rescued batch can go to a dinner tomorrow night. If not, then I've got to make another dessert.

Hmm, if it doesn't work, could you use it as a topping for something else or

then again, if it curdles, it's ruined. Sorry, I never made it, but it sounds like it would work. Good luck.

I would use egg yolks and the old blender. I'd heat the whole thing and add more cream

and choc if necessary, then while whirring, add 2 egg yolks. LIkely you wouldn't need anything but the egg yolks. My understanding from what you're saying is that it is not quite thick enough??

It would then thicken in a few hours as it cools.

Perhaps more cornstarch would give it a floury/starchy flavour.

Thank you, Dawn & Marg. Marg, I went with your suggestion:

Adding extra cornstarch had me worried about the taste. I melted 6 more ounces of semisweet with 1 cup of heavy cream, then tempered 4 egg yolks into that mixture, then stirred that into the cold cornstarch pudding. Kept out a little sample in the frig and put the rest in a large serving bowl in the frig

We'll see what happens.

Thanks again!

Not as pudding. I added 4 yolks, 1 C heavy cream + 6 oz of dark chocolate. It actually

became thinner after sitting in the frig for another 24 hrs.

I read up on cornstarch and boy, what a finicky product! Thins if you stir it too long, thins if you boil it too long, thins if it gets reheated.
Hey...I wonder what would happen if I coat MYSELF in cornstarch...???

Yolks and cornstarch couldn't save this "tweaked to the extreme" pudding, but I've put the ice cream canister in the freezer and will attempt churning the cold mixture tonight.

Never, and I repeat, NEVER put anything between me and 22 oz of chocolate.

I'm still wondering if it wouldn't have worked if you had heated the pudding, then added the yolks.

To the scalding point. Surely you're up to another experiment??

Ya, I wondered if heating it was necessary. The ice cream tasted like cornstarch, so that was kindof

a good thing, cause I won't eat it so quickly. I figured I couldn't reheat the cornstarched pudding (it would thin...oh, what a surprise), but wondered if I should have warmed the yolks with the cream first.

I really should learn not to mess around with recipe proportions so much.
