Can you help with cooking directions in Italian please?


Well-known member
A friend just came back from Italy and was kind enough to bring me some lovely pastas and a package of dried ingredients for a sauce. I do not speak or read Italian and would like to know the directions for using the dried stuff.

It is for making Spaghettata Veneziana. I can read that it has onions, paprika, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, peppers and salt in it. And I assume it is all to be dumped into simmering water but here is what I need help with. The directions: "1 cucchiaio di prodotto da immergere in una padella con acqua calda. Lasciario riposare. 5 min cucinare fino ad evaporazione dell'acqua aggiongere olio e soffriggere." Somehow I think it means cook in water and cook down until water evaporates then maybe toss with oil and some cheese??? Help please. Thanks in advance.

This is what Google Translate says:

1 tablespoon of product to immerse in a pan with hot water. Allow to rest. 5 min cook until water evaporates aggiongere oil and sauté.

aggiungere is an Italian verb: to add
