Canning Across America Project


Well-known member
Hi all. The past couple weeks I've been hard at work on a project called "Canning Across America." The kick off is centered around the weekend of August 28-30th.

Here's what we've got cooking:

Kim O'Donnel formerly of the Washington Post is organizing a national campaign called the "Canning Across America" project...bringing people back into the kitchen and canning their harvest.

I met with Kim, Rebekah Denn (2x James Beard Award winner), Kim Ricketts (works with the publishing world), Jon Rowley (lifetime James Beard Award winner, advisory board member to Gourmet magazine), etc about propelling this thing forward.

We've got major national media involved and a deep network of culinary contacts. Throughout the blogging community we're hoping to launch this into a very big deal.

Working on setting up interviews with Lynne from the Splendid Table, Martha Stewart radio, etc. and we'll be sending out a series of press releases next week.

Here's the website:

(Looks a little rough now, web designer is back from vacation next week.)

Here's a blurb about it but you'll be seeing even more soon.

I've had a conference call Friday with (largest recipe website in the US. Can you believe they have over 600,000 hits a day?!) and Ball canning. Sur La Table is coming on board, along with publishers Andrews McMeel and Sasquatch.

Anyone interested in hosting a canning party???

This has gone from idea to inception in less than 2 weeks. (Aaagh! Breathing deeply here...)

I'm sure there's more we can do. Any ideas? And if you have any interst in jumping in on the fun, let me know. We're looking to reach out to local communities, farmers, etc.

I am so excited to be a part of this project. I'm brainstorming for people to contact in SF, ideas??

If you know of any canners in SF please shoot me a PM!!

Missy, We're trying to get support nationwide. Any chance you could e-mail

the press release to your culinary contacts and see what buzz they can generate?


SEATTLE, WA (July 30, 2009) -- We could blame it on the economy, or or a growing desire to know where our food comes from. But instead, we’ll blame the birth of Canning Across America (CAA) all on Twitter.

Inspired by Yes, We Can, a community home canning project in the Bay Area, food writer Kim O’Donnel asked out loud on Twitter: What if Seattle got in on the canning act? Better still, what if we led the charge and set a date for a city-wide can-a-thon and encourage other cities around the country to follow suit for a simultaneous coast-to-coast canning ‘stravaganzas?

And so a Can-volution was born.

Canning Across America is a nationwide, ad hoc collective of cooks, gardeners and food lovers committed to the revival of the lost art of “putting up” food. Our goal is to teach each other the science behind safe food preservation and the joys of community building through food. We believe in celebrating the bounty of local and seasonal produce and taking greater control of our food supply. In a recent reader survey conducted by, more than 38 percent of those surveyed said they plan to can, freeze or preserve fresh food this summer; among those with canning plans, 83 percent said: “It’s worth a little extra time to make my own foods to control the ingredients my family eats.”

Online, we’re cooking up blog dispatches from around the country, a Flickr feed of canning photos as well as recipes from cookbook writers, including John Besh and Tessa Kiros. You can find us at
And of course, we’ve got a Twitter feed:

Mark your calendars for the weekend of Aug 29-30, CAA’s kickoff series of events, which promises to include demos and classes open to the public as well as community-based gatherings.

Join the can-volution!


Kim O’Donnel
206/588 1188

Heather? Do you know Tara Austin from Tea & Cookies? She might be able to give

you some ideas. I know she's on Twitter and definitely good peeps!

Oh WAIT! I do know her from

Twitter, she just moved back to Seattle! Her blog is nice, I will get in touch. "The power of Twitter compels you!" tee hee.
