Caramelized Cauliflower: A variation on our world famous Cauliflower Popcorn (linked)


Well-known member
I love Josh's Cauliflower Popcorn and make it often, but I don't always have oven space or an hour's time to do it.

I tried this a couple times this week: Cut a cauliflower into florets. Heat olive oil in a non-stick skillet over fairly high heat. Add the cauliflower with salt and saute, tossing often, until well-browned. Add a little water to deglaze, cover, turn down the heat, and cook until tender.

It doesn't have quite the concentration of flavor of the original, but it's a flavorful way to cook cauliflower as a side dish.

I'm convinced a Middle-Eastern restaurant here just deep-fries it "naked" in olive oil and it is

very good and a perfectly even dark nut-brown all over.
