CathyZ - for your crunchy chicken, are the potato flakes the stuff you buy in a box for mashed?

Thanks Cathy...& if you're still around...

is this good cold? I have skin-on, bone-in drumsticks but more than the 2 of us will eat.

Never bought these potato bits before, and I got the mashed things. There weren't any P Buds there though.

Thanks for the quick answer.

The aroma of these guys in the oven was a real killer. Unfortunately, I picked a hot, humid

day to make them, made too many at once in a 24" oven, and they weren't crisp. Terrific flavour though.

I'll try them again in the winter.

I've always had a suspicion about my smaller ovens. When I use a bigger one, I don't have the same problem with the excess of moisture in the oven. I think that alone, is enough to make me switch to 30 inchers in the future.

Thanks for your help, Cathy.

Too many in the oven is probably the culprit

It gets hot and humid here too and I am able to get "crunchy" so I bet it is too many in the oven. Too much moisture in there will certainly make soggy. Could be the brand of potato flakes too- I have only had good luck with Potato Buds- I made the mistake of using a "house" brand from a grocery store once and the results were awful.

Well, at least the flavor was good for you Marg! Yes, do try it again sometime. I make crunchy chicken frequently- a real favorite with my DH.
