Chairing food court at next week's Holiday Fair at the local museum. One of the cookies

Cyn, I found Lillian Chou's Blog "China Girl," perhaps you can e-mail her for an

answer. Her e mail is I will link the blog for you.

With regard to freezing the cookie, I would be afraid to freeze them as it may change the texture of the filling. Perhaps she will reply quickly.

Cyn, I checked Carole Walter's Thumbprint cookies and they

can be frozen or simply stored in an airtight container between strips of wax paper for up to 2 weeks.

Her recipe was close, but with less sugar and 2 egg yolks instead of 1 egg (same amount of flour and butter.)

Here's my concern: they look pretty, but will 3 joined cookies be unruly to move about and handle? And possibly eat? I'm wondering if they will crack apart at the pressed seams?

My mom used by to make thumbprints by the gazillion. We would always fill them after they were completely baked, but the jam would stay sticky. Carole presses an indent, then bakes her's 10 minutes...then RE-presses in the indent, adds the jam and bakes 5 more minutes. The jam slightly melts and adheres to the walls. Perfect. I even tipped them upside down and the jam stayed in place. I sent batches of those over on the OCD to Iraq.

Thought I'd wrap individually but if you could post CW's recipe I'd rather make hers.

I really have to buy her book 'cause I love everything of hers I've made. They sound great.

Carole Walter's Poppy Seed (or Almond) Thumbprints

(NOTE: To make Almond Thumbprints, substitute 1/4 C very finely chopped toasted unskinned sliced almonds for the poppy seeds.)

2 C flour (spoon & level)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 C poppy seeds
1 C unsalted butter, slightly firm
1/2 C sugar
2 large egg yolks
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Raspberry preserves
Apricot preserves

Preheat to 350
Whisk the flour & salt together, then add poppy seeds.
Beat butter until smooth; add sugar and mix just until incorporated, add yolk and vanilla and mix just until incorporated.

Hand-stir in flour mix. Do not overwork.
Roll into walnut-size balls and space 2" apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Make deep indent with handle of a wooden spoon. If too sticky, gently coat tip of handle with flour.

Bake 10 minutes. Remove and re-press indentation.
Add preserves (take teaspoon and place into indent. Use fingertip to slide jam in. Don't overfill.

Bake 4-5 minutes more or until golden brown around the edges. As soon as they are cool enough, use a flat metal spatula to lift off and cool.

Cyn, I tripled that recipe and used 1/3 poppy seed, 1/3 almond & 1/3 rolled in nuts.

I liked them all!

But then I'm easy.
