Chayote. Help please


Well-known member
Kauai is an abundant garden. The larder is full of gifts from friends. Avocados of many types, citrus, bananas, herbs, veggies and now Cayote. I do not have experience with this squash and hope someone will give me some T&T recipes. Thank you ahead of time.

Half the recipes I find say peel it and half don't. What is best?

I'm going to use it in stir-fry this evening.

I love how you describe Kauai. Sounds as lovely as the pictures! I would love to live in a garden

like yours! I was laughing thinking that I don't think that description of an abundant garden would fit NJ. (There are times of the year, but.......)

I had to look up Chayote. In Tastespotting, they had some interesting recipes, not T&T; but sounded different.

Have fun trying new recipes
