Check out Mystery Lover's Kitchen - a food a recipe blog by mystery writers

Thank you for sharing! How did you find this blog?

It's great, right up my preferred reading alley and I'm always on the look out for great blogs.

I'm on an email listserv for mystery readers called DorothyL

The blog was mentioned there. There are a lot of authors on the listserv as well. I don't read it as often as I used to, because I don't have the time, and there are too many links to blogs for my taste (I prefer posts about books), but might be great for you. You can still find a lot of new authors there, and it's very exciting actually to 'meet' some of them. If you are interested in joining it, go to I've been on it for 12 or 13 years - I joined it about the same time I joined Gail's - and it's really made it easier to find books I like.
