Check out the Veggie Bouquet. Looks like a creation Marilyn would do.

turnips! exactly, Pat.... smoother texture and easier to shape. Looks like such a fun thing to do

Garde manger class in culinary school included fruit and vegetable carving. Harder than it appears

but definitely fun. Requires a good deal of practice and skill to achieve more intricate carvings so I did an additional 6 week private class with a Thai instructor and learned even more. Also, the right tools/knives make the job easier.

Tools & tricks make the difference

and they aren't the most expensive tools. I ordered some and there is this one knife that the chef told me was the only one he used out of this 200+ piece expensive set. I found that knife in a cheap set - think five knives was less than $10.

Another chef taught us all kinds of tricks doing chocolate centerpieces and a lot of it applies - he keeps things like a sharpie - the clip on it is perfect for 'scoring' the veins in leaves. The more I watch folks doing stuff like this the more I realize that little tips and tricks are what make it.
