Check out this showstopper: Potato Gratin w/ Rosemary Crust

Totally over the top, but!!! Don't use the store bought pie flim-flams

it isn't that hard to mix up a pie dough!

As Miss Nancy always said: "Just say NO! (to store bought pie crusts).

i can't because we don't have any but I am not making good crusts -- any help?....

I think my problem is in the rolling out - they always seem to break up or to be too thin.

So easy to just press into a pan. I almost never roll them anymore. I think someone posted

a press-in-pan recipe just a couple of days ago. Traca maybe? They have to be pretty fancy stuff now for me to go to the trouble of rolling.

And for this recipe which is a rustic savoury creation anyway, I think a casual crust would be perfect.

I also find that a sheet of plastic wrap helps to smooth out the final press.

I suck at crusts too. My technique is a combo of roll, press + embrace the word "rustic"!

Help! Can't find the recipe for "press in the pan" pie dough. Saw it when

it was first posted and now can't locate it. TIA
