Check this out.....a THINK test

This link wouldn't do anything but play

the same 4 bars of music and display a blue square on the screen, upper half...does this mean we have out-thought the link????

Judy I just tried it and it works. you have to click twice on start (for some reason) then you have

to keep next after you answer ea. question.


All I get is an almost blank screen, a Google search line at the top with a large blue square beneath the search .
The browser status line at the bottom of the page is "waiting for"
I guess I'm not thinking tonight!

That's all I get too in Firefox. Tried it in IE and it worked okay.

I'm not doing the test, though! I have a bad cold and am sick in bed. I've learned before never to take IQ tests and the like when you're not in top shape!

Me too - I thought it was amusing that they told you to take it again if you

weren't happy with the results. Are they testing our *memory* too? ;o)
