Checking up on our Oklahoma folks. Everyone okay??

Reports from Stillwater and Norman

Stillwater got some heavy rain and high winds but other my already-hail-tattered basil plant we suffered no damage. One of my horses got a little banged up but nothing serious.

The weather in Norman was worse but I spoke to Sally who was there on business and she and Phil are fine.

I understand there is a member in OKC but don't know her (would like to, however!). Parts of southern OKC and the bordering areas to the west had some damage including flooding.

Thanks for checking.

Back to Kansas in one piece....

... but a lot more gray hair, I suppose

Yesterday we sold our home! Huge soap opera, finally ended! We went out for dinner with our neighbors to celebrate and celebrate we did, with a huge tornado storm hitting the area and making all folks swallow their dinners as quick as they could. When we left the restaurant I was talking to Cindy on the phone, and honestly I had no idea if we would make it home - although it was only 2 miles away from the restaurant.

anyway, it was scary, to say the least.

three tornado days in a row, that's the farewell we got from Norman, OK - wow!

thanks for your concern, it's good to be back in Manhattan and good to have now only one nest to take care of and love...

Life is good....

Larry Willrath, Norman, okay

Larry lives in Norman and was a part of the old original Epi group. He checked in and is okay. He said the tornado came within two miles of their house, but then turned and moved away.

Diane in OKC is ok, but her BIL had a very close call....

The hood of his car was sucked/blown off AS he was driving. Later he encountered high water narrowly escaping before the interior filled with water and it was swept away for good. He was stranded outside in the storm for hours.

They could use every advantage for his recovery....
Sending prayers/positive healing vibes to him and his family for a speedy recovery.
