Cheers for HeatherinSF's Miracle Margarita Flan Cake!

I made this for 4th of July one year. I tried to find my review, but I wasn't able to.

I am pretty sure I used rum instead of tequila, mostly because of the price. As I remember, I really liked it. It didn't go over so big in my house, but that is because they don't like flan much. It's pretty cool how it forms that flan layer on top. Is it the caramel sauce that makes the flan? I would make this again for a different crowd. Maybe the teachers!

(((waving)))) Hi everyone, sorry I've been AWOL - glad you liked the cake, forget now who shared it

with me but I bet a bottle of tequila it was Susan in Kentfield!

Hope you all have been doing well. I've been doing okay, getting over Christmas bronchitis (bad, Santa) and doing PT for my injured shoulder from the World Series. Yeah, it's my pitching arm, hahaha. But what I haven'tbeen doing is cooking. Shame on me! I must read up here for some inspiration from you wonderful folks.
