cheezz, no luck with the V-Day table setting from Serendipity Parties


I'm at the library now and the book completely blows off table decorations for Valentine's party. Mostly because they describe how the actual Serendipity restaurant in NYC is already decorated with hearts & flowers.

They have a "Mad Hatter" tea party as well and decorate the table with stacks of tea cups from thrift shops, wine glasses with "Drink Me" tags tied to them, and large dice. The dice are used to "rotate" the guests around the table (at each course change, a guest rolls the dice and everyone moves to the right that many spaces.) Guess that would work if you have a large party of folks who didn't know each other. Seems like you'd have to either move glasses too or have enough to keep replacing them.

They did recommend a fun party game idea: ahead of time, cut strips of phrases and single words out of NYTimes, technical books, Cosmopolitan magazine, sports magazines, etc...the idea is to get a wide selection of words. Put all of them in a big hat (or large bowl or bag) and then have each guest pull out about 10 slips of paper. The guest then make a poem or haiku out of the words they selected. Vote and give prize to the best one.

Note: Simply because I'm sitting here, I can recommend picking up various used magazines for 10 cents each at your local library.

Thanks for looking... this 'tea party' is the "social hour" after a meeting - members average 80 yrs

so games wouldn't be welcome at this one smileys/smile.gif

I coerced someone else into doing the centerpiece and the savory items, so she's doing something with camelias in a bowl. I gave her the caprese salad skewers to do - can't wait to taste those!

I'm climbing up in the attic to see if I can find a pink tablecloth and will put it under my crocheted white one. My huge pink roses in the backyard are beyond use, but I'm pulling off the petals to throw around on the table. It'll work.

You'd be surprised. Depending on your seniors, they might LOVE wird games. I know my aunt

looked forward to her bi-weekly trivia games at the senior center. 'Keeps 'em sharp...

But I guess you'd have to determine if that's something that could be done with your group. I personally think they'd love it, especially if they don't usually do things like that.

Have fun, and what I nice thing you're doing. The party will be something they'll love, whatever you do.

Thanks - you're right in that you have to know your group. This is only once a year - I'll survive!
