Cheezz - yesterday I made message cookies with the cutters from Williams Sonoma


Well-known member
They didn't look as pretty as yours - I basically dipped the cookies above and below the "Thank You" in glaze. But next time I am going to get quite fancy with two colors and use pastry bags to pipe designs:)

I wrapped them in cello bags and tied with a pink ribbon (I used pink Sugar Baby Glaze)smileys/smile.gif I'm handing them out to FedEx/UPS/USPS when they drop off packages - keeping them in my freezer until needed:)

Thank you so much for explaining how to use the plunger - couldn't be easier (upon knowing how to do it:)

Deb, you and others, are soo good at that! I do say thank you, just never give them treats. I

give my lawn guys water / ice tea / popsicles (especially in the heat), and make them chili when they are cleaning up the snow. Just never thought of the UPS / Fed Ex guy. You are very kind.

OH, and I did help out our garbage guy. I went out to bring another bag out as his truck was approaching. Poor guy had mangled his hand in someones garage door. I gave him some motrin and lots of ice, etc. So, I am not all bad! : )

hmmm. My delivery guys always liked Victoria Secret catalogues. I dunno why. But this is different.

The things you do are WONDERFUL and I'm sure so appreciated!

Lovely, kind, thoughtful and generous - that's what you are.

Since 2010 I have a home office and receive deliveries almost daily - as well as ship things from my home (Mainly USPS PRIORITY) a few times a week. So I have really gotten to know my delivery people. In the winter they bring their coffee mugs to the door to be refilled and in the summer I keep bottles of water. All these things I learned from my mom!

Deb, that was such a nice compliment! Put a big smile on my face (Thank you....) Now my Fed Ex

and UPS guys will also thank you! They do not come frequently, but I do get Amazon stuff around the holidays. I will make a stash and have it handy!

I'm so glad to hear you had success with the hints! They should really have better directions.
