Chicken Ballotines a success!

Thanks, all. I sweared my way through the first two bonings while trying to keep up with Jacques

Pepin's video. Meanwhile my Jacques asked why we had to have kitchen drama on Christmas? I turned the video off and took my time with the second two and did better.

Commercial chickens have torn skin to start with, so they don't come out perfectly. But I think I will continue with variations of this because even though the boning is a project, it is SOOOO easy to roast and serve.

Again, thanks Charlie!

Dahlink, where there is torn skin do this next time

Learned this ages ago and you probably know it but who thinks of it when trying to do the best job possible on a new recipe? You are right, skin is always torn on commercial chickens.

Keep chicken skin from another effort in the freezer for just this kind of emergency. Patch with it. Dip cheesecloth in fat and wrap then truss.

What's wrong with spatchcock? Fun word, I even fooled my meat cutter over Christmas

he had never heard the word. LOL
