Chocolate Buttercream Fudge (posted on Gail's last year)


Well-known member
I come from a long line of candy making

women and have tried just about every candy

and fudge recipe there is at one time or

another. My mom and I thought we had found

the best of choc fudges in the 1970's and

used that recipe for 20+ years. About 9

years ago I was at someone's house who

served fudge and reluctantly tasted it. LOL

I was a fudge snob because I had never tried

anyone's fudge that was better than our

recipe. ha I couldn't believe it!!! It was

the most incredible, smooth and buttery chocolate fudge I'd ever tasted! She happily gave me the

recipe. It has a WHOLE POUND of real butter

in it! Everyone raves over this fudge. It

adapts to variations well, also.

Chocolate Buttercream Fudge

Into a large heavy pan in which sides have been buttered, combine:

4 1/2 cups sugar

1 lg (12 oz) can evaporated milk - NOT sweetened condensed! (or can use

1/2 & 1/2)

3/4 cup Karo Syrup

**Even one grain of undissolved sugar stuck on the sides of the pan can cause

fudge to be grainy, hence the buttered pan sides. I make sure I don't get sugar up on the sides

of the pan when placing ingredients in, but then what I do is after mixture begins

to boil, I use the back of a woonden spoon to bring the hot mixture up on the sides

and bring it back down into the boiling mixture until I can feel no grains on the pan sides.

Then, I use a silicone spatula and run it around the sides of the pan and into the hot

mixture to make sure there is nothing left. Ingredients are expensive and this has assured

me of great results time after time.

Using candy thermometer clipped on pan, boil above

ingredients until soft ball @ 240 degrees. Remove pan

from burner and add:

2 12 oz pkgs REAL chocolate milk chocolate

chips (not imitation chocolate)

1 12 oz bag real chocolate semi-sweet

chocolate chips

1 POUND room temperature real dairy butter

3 tbs vanilla

dash of salt

Beat at least 5 minutes. The recipe said to

beat with wooden spoon, but a friend found

that a hand mixer on medium speed works best as

if the butter isn't totally incorporated in,

it will puddle on top. When ready to pour, you will see the fudge turn into silk before your eyes!!

When well blended add 1 1/2 cups nuts if

desired and pour into greased pan. I use a 14x14" Magnalite square bake pan. It will also fit in 1 9x13, plus a 8x8" square. Or several tins, depending on sizes of the tins.

Store in fridge. Keeps very well. I make this every year and pour into buttered tins for gift

giving. This makes a very special gift.

This makes a large amount of fudge.


Gayle, try this sometime for the absolute ultimate fudge (more)

Make a batch of your Grandmother's wonderful peanut butter fudge and put in a really high-sided pan and let it set up half way.

Make a batch of this chocolate buttercream fudge and pour it on top of the peanut butter fudge. cool and you have layerd fudge that should make you fall over in a dead faint of joy.

Both recipes are so similar to the ones in my family- the layered idea came to me from someone else several years ago and now that is the only way I made fudge.

LOL Cathy! Been doing that for years! And it is wonderful!

Another thing I do is to make a divider that fits the center of a the tin I am putting it in and fill that side with one, then remove the divider, (I use heavy duty foil or a foil pan 'cut-out') make the other fudge and pour it in the second side. This gift goes over big, as well!

I don't do every tin this way because some people can't eat peanuts.

Thanks for the input! smileys/smile.gif

Choc. Buttercream Fudge.

This is truly the very best chocolate fudge. made two batches this year. Thank you Gayle.
Misplaced in AZ1

Awww...thanks Misplaced! It really is a good recipe, but I can't take credit for it...

It was given to me by a friend from church who got it from a friend of hers up in Wisconsin or somewhere. I've never seen it duplicated on any other forums, either.

Truly makes a wonderful gift!

Glad you are enjoying it!


I wouldn't say THAT but I do enjoy researching and finding the best recipes

and ways of making candies since I give it as gifts and have taken orders. People want the best and I try to provide that.

You are funny! smileys/smile.gif
