Choosing between blades or whipped attachment


Well-known member
I have a KA for years now and whenever I make a cake I am unsure whether I should use the whipped attachment or the beater blades. Sometimes I think the cake deflated because I used the whipped attachment and beat in too much air. Other times I think the cake didn't rise enough because I used the beater blades instead of the whipped attachment.

Of course for cheesecakes you use the beater blades. No problem when it comes to frostings and whipped cream.

I've not used the whip except for egg whites and whipping cream. I'm hoping someone who does more

baking will weigh in, but I did check my book and the recipes in it for cakes, etc use the beater. Recipes for egg whites, whipped cream and mayonnaise use the whip.

The recipes for frosting also used the beater, except for one that is basically egg whites and sugar and they did use the whip for that one.

So my advice would be to stick to the beater for making cakes and be sure to beat for the full time stated, which in the recipes in the book is usually about two minutes, total.

Aha, I found the page that specifies uses of each.

Flat used for normal and heavy mistures such as cakes, creamed icings, candies, pie pastry, cookies, biscuits, quick breads, meat loaf and mashed potatoes.

Wire used for mistures which need to incororate air such as eggs, egg whites, whipped cream, boiled frostings, sponge or angel cakes, mayonnaise, milk drinks, waffle batter and some candies.

Dough used for mixing and kneading yeast breads.

I hope this is helpful. But I should say, my book is from the 70s. Don't know if there's been any changes in recommendations since then.

And sometimes I use the flat beater instead of the whisk for small amounts

of egg white or whipping cream because it doesn't seem like the whisk picks up the small amounts from the indention in the bottom of the mixing bowl, but the adjustment on the level is fine. I just don't think it works well for small amounts.
