Cinnamon bun wreath: Lovely idea on TV food show


For some obscure reason, Larry has taken to watching "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives". Guy with spiked white hair and a red convertible travels around the USA eating at diners with home-cooked meals. They did a Christmas show in Alaska and this bakery made cinnamon rolls in a circle (with a pan in the middle to keep the shape). Once they're baked and iced, wrap in a Cellophane bag and tie off with a big honkin' holiday ribbon. Looked adorable. far he hasn't offered to cook unless I give real specific instructions. Living

with me has its disadvantages.

Ang, I saw the show and I believe it was the Cookie Jar in

Fairbanks. Most of the places he went to on that North Pole show were in Fairbanks or near by.

Thanks. I'm glad Susan was paying attention. My mind was stuck on the filet mignon topped with

a mushroom sauce which was then topped with a bernaise sauce!

I haven't a clue where that was at either, but it was just a basic kitchen restaurant...and the chef/cook was self-taught and made everything himself.
