Cinnamon Sugar Banana Lumpia - haven't tried it yet - but looks yummy!

At least they're oven baked and not deep fried smileys/smile.gif (subtract calories for that!!!!)

At the taco stand we used canned pie filling inside of tortillas and . . .,

fried them up, sprinkled them with cinnamon sugar and sold them for a dessert. The tortilla come out very, very crisp, like a pastry.

I keep meaning to try this with some pre-cooked homemade pie filling, the tortilla brushed lightly with oil and baked till crisp and browned. Pretty good stuff. . .

My wife's cousin, who is a 1st generation Philippine immigrant, makes these.

They're good, but if you fry them you should eat them hot. Don't let them sit around. Sounds like Marilyn wouldn't have that issue at all! ;~>

I'm going to try these baked. I bet they're delicious without all the extra oil!

Oh, and just so you know, they may make your hips lumpy, but they are pronounced, "LOOM - pee - ah".

