Claudia Rodin Orange Cake - Advice and conversion help,


Well-known member
I keep thinking about this recipe which is a big hint that I need to try it out. It calls for unwaxed oranges (I don't think I've ever noticed that an orange was waxed; should I be looking for something that will tell me it's unwaxed?)

It calls for 250 g of ground almonds and 250 g of sugar which translates into 8 oz (does that mean by weight or volume?). I'm assuming that I just need a cup of each. Am I safe? Has anyone made this cake?

Pam, scrub your orange with a bit of dish soap or veggie wash.

Rinse well. I've been doing this for years since China Moon cookbook author Barbara Tropp recommended it for lemons. Especially if you're zesting.

The conversion for the 250 grams of almond meal and sugar is slightly more than 8's 8.8 oz (or .55 lbs).

9 oz would be 1 Cup + 2 TBL, so I think that would be close.

good luck!

speaking of ground almonds....I need some advice too.....

I have read this answer here before but forgotten it. Do you measure almonds before or after grinding? The recipe for clementine cake calls for 2 1/3 C ground almonds. Thanks

My rule of thumb is if the recipe says 2-1/3 cups of nuts ground - then I measure the whole nuts

and grind. If the recipe says 2-1/3 cups of GROUND nuts - then I grind and measure. I would say you need 2-1/3 cups of already ground nuts. Hope this makes sense.

No Kidding?

I would never have guessed that. I was assuming that to get a little more than a cup, I should buy 2 c of whole almonds. Guess not.

Another ground almond question

I'm assuming they should be blanched (without skin). Should I but whole almonds, sliced or slivered or can one buy ground almonds? Where?

One cup whole almonds makes about 1 & 1/4 cup when ground. Other Almond Math>>>

1 cup slivered does Not equal 1 cup sliced.
1 cup sliced is 3.25 oz while slivered packs down more and 1 cup slivered makes 4.5 oz.
1 cup whole shelled equal 5 oz.

i bought ground almonds (not blanched) at Trader Joe's just recently for a very reasonable price. >

around $4 I think. They don't always carry them and before the holidays I couldn't find them there but now they're back. I make do with the ground whole in most recipes that I think I can get away with it. But if not, I blanch some from Costco and let them dry out completely then grind in the processor. Like when I'm making almond paste.

You can buy ground almonds at bulk barns and probably anywhere that sells a lot of nuts. But

they start losing flavor as soon as they're ground, so you're best to buy fresh, whole nuts and grind your own. Whether they're "raw" (skin on) or blanched is a matter of personal preference and aesthetics. Personally I prefer skin-on. It seems to provide more flavor in baked goods, and I kinda like the dark flecks.

I was also told by a baker/chef to pulse nuts in the food processor, not grind with a meat/grain grinder, which is what I had been doing. With oily nuts like almonds, it helps to add a tablespoon or two of the sugar from the recipe, to avoid ending up with nut butter. I find the sugar is not so necessary when grinding skin-on almonds.
