Cleared out my mailbox here and saved messages elsewhere. Feels strange to have it empty. ;o)

nothing will be lost

Database is fully intact. There will be a short period of downtime (a few minutes) when the transition to a new domain is made but we will keep a link on the domain as long as we can so no one gets lost in the shuffle. It should be painless and we'll add some new features. Mimi has stressed the importance of leaving the recipe swap forum design as is, so this will not be changed.

Thanks whinecountry (site administrator?). We do sound a little

shell shocked don't we. I/we just like it so much!

contact me if you want to test the new site

I'll send you a login and you can test it next week and make sure it all works as you expect. Send me a private message and include your preferred email address and I'll email you the login info.

I think maybe that was Finer Kitchens shortcut way of listing a temporary

link when you do a search. I googled it too, and found it's already a recipe website with no recipes in it. Not a very good one, by the look of it. was an old attempt at creating a new "home" for FinerKitchens but it never really worked out

Several of you already knew about it as I had some people from here testing it for their comments. This goes back a couple of years ago, and isn't related to today's changes, although it may end up being our new URL eventually, but not that particular forum, which was just set up for testing purposes at the time.

Please don't panic, FinerKitchens may be gone (victim of the economy, sadly) but the Swap will live on. :eek:)
