Coffee stinks!


Well-known member
I thought I had posted this on here before but a search did not bring anything up. Here is my dilemma. My hubby drinks coffee every morning. We have an electric coffee maker. For at least the past 4 to 5 months every pot he makes stinks up the house. we have tried Folgers, Starbucks, and Peets coffees. He says they taste ok. The coffee used to smell so great in the morning, I loved the smell of it, but no longer.

Does anyone have experience with this. He tells me he cleans the coffee maker. Could it be the filters....I am stumped?

Perhaps it is not the coffee....

but it may be your sense of smell.

As we age, or even as a result of some viruses, our sense of smell can change, diminish, or even go weird.

I have noticed in the past couple of years that when I am coming down with a cold, I get what I call "olfactory hallucinations". I think I smell something burning, when there isn't anything to back up that notion.

Just a thought.

Yes, smell and taste are in the same sense category and it may be personal. Are you

taking any different medications? They can affect the sense of taste/smell. Does your husband think it also smells bad?

I agree with Charley. The awful smell could bethe result of a chemical reaction in your system.

Interesting comments, and yes, my husband has noticed a bad odor too

but he is older than me, so it could be our reactions. Next time we have company, I will have to make coffee and ask them! I don't go to Starbucks, but when I go to my drive through coffee place, it always smells good, like coffee should.
I still think it might be the coffee maker, but hubby claims he is taking care of cleaning it. I am going to ask what he is using to clean it, however.

Coffee Stinks!

Any change in any medications you may be taking? Are you on, or have you been on any antibiotics, recently? I've seen taste sensory changes in sed cases. You don't have to answer these personal questions but just ideas to think about !

and it's not the water, right? They told us the water might stink b/c of the drought.

"They" being we got a notice from our water company given they are having to use bottom of the barrel water these drought days.

Interesting...when I was in Florida, I replaced a coffee pot that I suspected had mold or mildew

in the water reservoir. I have always wished there was a way to take them apart and clean well. I do think it's important to leave the lid open and let them dry well. I do the vinegar thing once in awhile, even though we have softened water, but I don't think it thoroughly cleans the water reservoir.

After years of being frustrated with coffee makers, we now use an inexpensive French press.

If you don't already own one, they're nice to have for when you need just a cup or two, or when just one person needs decaf. Using one with the same water and coffee might tell you if the smell is coming from your coffee maker or from the ingredients.

Did you try running vinegar through the machine? From Real Simple.

Step 1: Empty and clean the filter. Pour three cups of water and the same amount of white vinegar into the water chamber, then switch on the brew cycle.
Step 2: Halfway through the cycle, turn the machine off and let the solution sit for an hour. Switch the coffeemaker back on to complete the cycle.
Step 3: Run at least one cycle of clear water (two to be on the safe side) through the machine to rinse out any residual vinegar.
