Computer help needed.


Well-known member
I have 13 private messages, but can only see 6 of them. How do I access the others? Do I feel dumb!

Pam, the "total" includes InBox, Sent, Trash & Saved. You're allowed 100 total.

So you probably have 6 in the inbox...and then check to see if you have any messages in the SENT, TRASH or SAVED?

And remember, to delete, you select the ones you want and send them to TRASH. But then you must still go to TRASH, select them again and delete them. You'll get a pop-up message asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the messages.

Only then will your total count decrease.

No scroll down.

I think I deleted 2 messages, so now 4 show. I can't scroll down; if there are indeed 14 messages (or even 12 now), I've only read half of them. Oh well.
