there is no malware etc EVER on this site
if you have a problem send me specifics otherwise posts like this are meaningless. If you got such a warning it was likely that your computer or browser is compromised.
Norton will only check certain viruses and if you haven't updated the virus definitions to the latest at that very moment, you can still miss the ones that are currently most common. Bottom line is that running a scan is fairly useless if your definitions are not up to date.
If funds are short, try Avast which offers a free version and IMHO is at least as good as Norton.
You'll need a utility that specifically checks for malware, adware as well as something that scans for trojans.
AdAware is pretty good for adware- and they offer a free version. Link attached. For trojans you'll need to come up with your choice from a search.
It is also possible that if you came to the site from another site that they have some sort of frame that you don't see but it is running something surreptitiously.
And if you are really concerned and have some extra cash get yourself a Mac and you won't need to worry about such things. Even a used Mac will be better than a brand new PC IMHO. Definitely in terms of not having to deal with viruses but I'd rather use my 5 year old Mac G5 (PPC) desktop than a brand new Windows PC. (I spend most of my time on my Macbook Pro)