Cookie success!!


Well-known member
So yesterday was my dear friend’s 95th birthday. Her family threw a big party for her with folks coming in from all over to celebrate. I offered to make cookie platters as my gift because what do you get a 95 year old for her birthday?? Of course my wall ovens went out when I had less than 2 weeks to go!! They were down for 11 days !!! UGH!! Fortunately kind friends let me come and bake in their kitchens!! My ovens were fixed in time to bake the last several batches.


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PS: If you would like, I can change your attachments to images and they will display online for logged in viewers.
So yesterday was my dear friend’s 95th birthday. Her family threw a big party for her with folks coming in from all over to celebrate. I offered to make cookie platters as my gift because what do you get a 95 year old for her birthday?? Of course my wall ovens went out when I had less than 2 weeks to go!! They were down for 11 days !!! UGH!! Fortunately kind friends let me come and bake in their kitchens!! My ovens were fixed in time to bake the last several batches.
Oh my goodness! That’s a lot of cookies! They are beautiful!!

What kinds did you make?
Barbara, what an outstanding display! Some I recognized, but certainly not all. I hope you will be posting all your cookie recipes. Wigs PS: Isn't it always the way things work regarding your ovens going out right at baking time?! Good thing you have such wonderful neighbors.
Nothing wrong. But attachment function is best for pdf files, etc. You want to use the little photo iconScreenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.10.54 PM.jpgor screensnap (which you can just drag into this field. Screen snapshots can be reduced within this field by clicking on a corner and scaling it down. Just doesn't work for photos.

The issue with photos is you need to have the size somewhat small, especially if loading multiple images. For example, my iPhone takes photos that are 36" to 46" square. So I use PREVIEW to reduce the size to 10" or less (usually 6") Otherwise you'll be seeing cookie molecules. is the size of your original photo: 100" x 54". I reduced them to 8" x 6"
Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.23.09 PM.jpg
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Here are barbara's cookies as photos, so you can see them all at once. Click on her original post and open each attachment to see them in
more detail

Nothing wrong. But attachment function is best for pdf files, etc. You want to use the little photo iconView attachment 2788or screensnap (which you can just drag into this field. Screen snapshots can be reduced within this field by clicking on a corner and scaling it down. Just doesn't work for photos.

The issue with photos is you need to have the size somewhat small, especially if loading multiple images. For example, my iPhone takes photos that are 36" to 46" square. So I use PREVIEW to reduce the size to 10" or less (usually 6") Otherwise you'll be seeing cookie molecules. is the size of your original photo: 100" x 54". I reduced them to 8" x 6"
View attachment 2800
Thank you so very much Marilyn!!
Barbara, what an outstanding display! Some I recognized, but certainly not all. I hope you will be posting all your cookie recipes. Wigs PS: Isn't it always the way things work regarding your ovens going out right at baking time?! Good thing you have such wonderful neighbors.
Hi Wigs! If you see any you think you might like the recipe for, I will be glad to post it. And yes, it is the way of life for the ovens to fail when you need thm most....LOL!!!
barbara, if you've posted the recipes before, they should still be here. Paul has everything from 2006 when Mimi and he created Finer_Kitchens. Some are just difficult to find based on software updates he's had to do over the years. Let me know if there is anything i can search out for you.
Hi Wigs! If you see any you think you might like the recipe for, I will be glad to post it. And yes, it is the way of life for the ovens to fail when you need thm most....LOL!!!
Wow, what an amazing array of treats. Beautiful! Despite the oven fiasco, too. I would love the pistachio covered cookie recipe, if you would like to share.
The second photo features what looks like a maybe lemon and maybe coconut cookie cut from a roll. Wondering what the yellow is.