Cool celery growing tip.

I am going to try this. Thanks Dawn! While I really missed a good snow storm,I am looking forward

to spring. But, boy, I really wanted a good snow storm. (Not the Oct one that we lost power), just some fun snow. dh and I love to make snowmen! : ) I love to make chili and invite all the neighbors, etc.... Not this year

Thanks for the link to think about spring. Will try the celery in some pots.

You are welcome, Barb. I made a Mexican version of the Tomato-Basil Soup today

and it turned out really good. I used cumin, chili powder, oregano and chipotle for it. I called it Cream of Chipotle Tomato Soup. Doesn't exactly roll off your tongue, but it was very good.

We did this!

We just started this a week or so ago - it is in the ground now and currently growing! Love this tip.

PS - This works with green onions too - leave the whites behind, plunk them in a glass of water in a sunny window and when new shoots come out, plant!

what planting zone?

I wonder if it's too early to try that here (Oklahoma)? The low last night was 32F and it could easily get that cold again for the next several weeks.

Oh I love this! I'm going to do this. Thanks!

I don't know why I never thought of this, mom rooted all kinds of stuff. There was always a jar of something in water rooting.

I'm so doing this in some containers asap -- my "green room" with the greenhouse window wall hit 85F in there yesterday with all this weird weather we're having.
