Couple of food related questions. I' ve been overdosing on "Tastespotting" and would like to tackle


Well-known member
the ubiquitous macaron cookie. It calls for ground almonds. Would the ground almonds sold by TJ be ok? I don't think they've had the skins removed so they're kind of tan, or should I make my own?. #2 Has anyone made the Japanese "cottony" cheesecake (several recipes) and any comments. TIA

I use their slivered almonds for this. Don't know how the ground with skins would work.

I have used them for other things, and they are not quite the same as without skins. It depends on how fussy you are. These are tricky to make. After several tries, I finally found a perfect recipe from Splendid Table. If you have any problems making yours, let me know, and I'll send you the recipe.

I'm in Dublin, Ireland for a visit and will post it when I get back.

We'll be gone until Easter Monday.
