Crispy Brunch idea: Hash Brown Cups Filled w Mascarpone and Caviar or Crab, or More

I am going to make some of these and freeze them for breakfasts now

that the kids are starting back to school tomorrow. I thought filling them with scrambled eggs and cheese would be good for breakfast. What a great idea. Thanks Traca, you always post such good recipes!

Dawn, I love that idea. Question. If you freeze them, will you bake them off

first, then freeze? And then to eat...thaw first or just pop in the microwave straight from the freezer? I'm trying to use my freezer more. (In the past, I only froze coffee and chocolate!)

Thanks for the compliment. I'm a fan of your recipes too! That Thai BBQ sauce is the stuff of legends around here. smileys/smile.gif

I think I will freeze them in their raw state.

I am not sure how the cooked ones would reheat. I will just have to try it and see how it works. I will let you know how they turn out.
