Crispy Waffle Crackers


Well-known member
I've been playing around with these and just love them.

I had a sack of garbanzo flour hanging around and wanted to use it. I love how the vegetarian Indian restaurant I go to uses it to make croquettes and all sorts of delicious things. So I experimented, and came up with these and I can't stop eating them (I love crispy things and big industrial crispy is filled with fat and calories smileys/frown.gif

No recipe, just a method, adjust and adapt to your own taste:

For my first batch, I had some leftover barbacoa that I wanted to serve for dinner, didn't feel like making more tortillas, so I thought I'd make masa waffles. Then I saw the chickpea flour, so I combined.

1/2 cup each of masa and chickpea flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 tbls. olive oil

1 egg

1.5-2 cups water to make a pancake like batter (I didn't measure, just did it until it was right).


1 tbls. cumin

1 tsp. cumin seed

1 tsp. each of garlic and onion powder (not salt)

1 tsp. red chili flakes

Stir it up and bake in waffle iron.

I served the hot barbacoa on these waffles and it was delicious. Other ideas would be chili con carne, creamed chicken and green chiles in con queso, etc. Your basic cream sauce on a waffle

This is the best part. The proportions I used created 8 waffles in the large 4-waffle iron (2 batches). I put the leftover waffles in the fridge and the next day, popped one in the toaster to reheat and crisp it. After the first toasting, I popped it down again and retoasted until I produced a crisp and crunchy cracker waffle.

I smeared it with hummus and ate it. I was hooked.

I've been using them like crrispbread to make open faced sandwichs for lunch, smeared with spread, or just "as is" they're that good. Cream cheese and smoked salmon? Uh, yes please.

I'm going to be making a rye, onion, dill, caraway version tomorrow to use up some leftover baked ham in the freezer.

