Curry Leaf: Where can I find this without spending a fortune?


Well-known member
I have been searching for a curry leaf plant since I am totally addicted to this amazing herb. $40 for plant and shipping of a 3" inch seedling?

Does anyone have a source, seeds , plants, whatever that is not outrageous?

I do very impromteau curry dishes for dinner, much like...

wokking. There is just something about that herb that just fills me up with satisfaction. I LOVE the taste of curry leaf! Thankfully the local Indian groceris carry it fresh these days. I dry the remainders to use in subsequent Indian themed-dinners.


Sorry. Just for the dried leaf. I'd love to have a source for the fresh ones too Central Market in Austin would have it from time to time. It makes such a difference in a rice pilaf.

I saw one here somewhere. I'll take a look around again trying to trace my steps. With my

kaffir lime and my bay laurel, I don't have room for much more besides my endless pots of herbs, and curry is not on the top of my list.

Did you try rooting a fresh leaf?

Will let you know if I can find it.


I get the leaves at the asian markets near our house. They have them in most of the year, and they're very inexpensive...but this is just for the leaves, not the plants. God knows I don't have the talent to keep any plant alive in this house.
