Cyn, thank you for the Tomato Cheddar Tart you’ve posted here. I am so

If your season is as late as ours is here in the Ohio River Valley...

we're not expecting tomatoes until the end of July at this point. I finally planted my tomatoes last weekend. Normally they are out by the end of April. This weather! But of course there was also that NYC interlude where I could have planted a week or so earlier...

We get produce before our season in the markets too...

percolating up from Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. But it is never fresh picked ripe.

The joy of my grandmother's beefsteak tomatoes cannot be produced on the back of a truck picking green tomatoes in Tennessee to sell in Ohio a month before our tomato season.

Our cousins are bringing ripe Michigan tomatoes today. This sounds

Like a perfect recipe for them. Tomatoes for salmon fishing. Fair exchange.
