Cyn's Caramel Dream Tassies


Well-known member
I almost have to make these last for special occasions, otherwise I would eat most of them. REALLY good cookie... I now have 12 tassie pans, so a double recipe can be made easily. CYH! Cyndi

Caramel Dream Tassies

14 oz. pkg. caramels (unwrapped, smileys/teeth.gif)

3/4 c. evaporated milk, divided

1/2 c. butter

1/2 c. shortening

2/3 c. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

ground nuts

Melt caramels with 1/2 c. milk in microwave or double boiler. Spoon into baked Tassie shells, about 2/3 full.

In a small bowl, blend butter and shortening, mixing well. Set aside for 20 minutes. In another bowl, blend sugar, remaining 1/4 c. milk, and vanilla. Set aside for 20 minutes.

Combine the two bowls into a large bowl. Using a mixer, whip on high until cream. Spoon this frosting on top of caramel layer, sprinkle with ground nuts.

Makes 4 dozen cookies. Best to use miniature cupcake papers in pans.

Dough (need to double for the above caramel recipe):

3 oz. cream cheese, softened

1/2 c. butter, softened

1 c. flour

1/4 tsp. salt (opt.)

Mix well. Shape into 24 small balls. Place in tassie pans (miniature cupcake/muffin pans). Press up sides gently. Bake as directed. Makes 2 dozen.
