CynUpstate, hey girl, you can't open your post cause of the ampersands, etc in the subject line.


Well-known member
can you try brewing coffee on the porch? I don't know if that will help but i do know coffee grinds absorb odors. other than that, a citrus spray might help.

Try boiling water with whole lemons in your crockpot. I know

when I burned microwave popcorn in the microwave, boiling water with lemons helped get rid of that awful burned smell. Good luck!

Well "heck"- I forgot about that. I have an enclosed back porch with floor to ceiling windows

on three sides. I have tried febreeze, baking soda, vinegar, this stuff in a bottle with a wick that they use in the hospital, even opened the windows (high temp 20F), room freshener and scented candles. I'll try the coffee tomorrow. It works for a few hours and then the smell is back. It's like an evil entity!!

TOMATO JUICE!!!! NO DISRESPECT but, I know it takes away the scent of skunk, why not!!!

or soak in vinegar, who knows.
