Dandelion wine for Dawn in MO


Well-known member
Hi, Looked all over for my recipe but couldn't find it. However here is a website with lots of recipes. The first one is most like mine except that I used just plain old regular yeast and no wine locks. Just let it ferment till it stopped and then bottled it in old wine and vinegar bottles with new corks. Let me know if this comes thru ok as I've not done links before.



Thanks aajay! I don't have nearly enough right now to make some

but I will keep my eye out for the next bloom. Thanks for finding this site for me.

Oh my goodness, what a happy link (hic), When I lived in the interior of Alaska,

one summer I got into a dandeloin wine making project. They only used the yellow part of the petals and raisens. Well I had to go outside before it was done. But heard we did GOOD.

and, later down in Southeast, had a dear friend who lived on an island just west of here. He had a float house, a garden on another float, and up in a flat spot in the woods he cultivated a dandeloin patch!!!

This gentleman is from Indiana--his poor father showed up for a visit, had spent his whole life getting dandeloins out of his yard---Oh my, his son is cultivating them, you would have thought it was the other weed!

So, this guy doesn't give his recipe, except for no ****** raisens.
So please report back.


AK glossery: outside=lower 48
floathouse=house built on a raft made of logs or at times styro logs
float= raft, usually attacted to floathouse for shops, generators, playground, or garden with beds.
Now you understand, logging float camps where I worked for years.

Talk about hic! We had some mighty happy birds when we scattered some of the

alcoholic raisins in the yard.

Nan, we drove back from Sterling last night and there are fields and fields of yellow dandelions in

full bloom. such a beautiful site---all golden and green. I came home and spent 1 hour digging out the #*&^@ dandelions that have taken over my yard. not such a beautiful site. I just may have to save some dandy's and make wine. I have some ripe pineapple infusing in a bottle of vodka and some limoncello in the fridge---what's not to like about another bottle of home brew on the shelf??

Sounds pretty, funny we fight them in one place and admire them otherwise, that is a pretty drive

Do there seem to be as many RVs on the road? Was wondering with the price of gas?
I remember bumper to bumper on that stretch, especially on big tides, with people going claming.
It is still damn chilly here. 40's at night and mid fifties in the day. Have had a couple of days where it hit 60.
Really looking forward to getting to work in Southern California. Still waiting for vessel to be ready. 21st is projected depature from Seattle.
take care, we will start calling you the moonshine queen!!
