Dawn MO-Ever frozen the Silver Palate Cream of Tomato Soup?

I've tried to freeze soup made with cream and/or sour cream. Taste seems not too bad but the

texture is watery and sometimes curdles. I'd add cream later.

I'd add the cream later too. Try condensed milk instead of cream too. It doesn't curdle in acids.

I've been making this for years and always freeze it--without the cream.

Thaw in frig and add cream...or not. Sometimes I'll add it to other dishes as well.

I make this soup frequently. If you know you will have leftovers, I would freeze w/o

the cream.

My challenge is that I don't realize it until after it is made, served, + more meals, etc...THEN still have more and am tomatoed out!

That is when I call my mom to see if she wants me to drop it off!

It is a really good soup.
