Dawn_MO and anyone else looking for turkey leg ideas, I did Nadia's Turkey Leg Butter Bean Cassoulet


Well-known member
tonight and it was absolutely delicious! I still hesitate to call it a cassoulet, but it is the best use of turkey legs and/or lima (butter) beans I have found.

The beans get added dry to the cooking juices and absorb all that flavor. Meanwhile the turkey legs fall apart into meltingly tender lobes. (Nadia did a punk rock time lapse dance around the kitchen in heels, gnawing on a leg. I'm sorry to report that this is not possible unless your food stylist has roasted the legs separately for the photo op. Falling-apart braised legs should not be danced with.)

Tweaks: I used duck fat instead of oil (only 2 Tablespoons!) and I browned the meat in my big oval dutch oven. I deglazed with a little dryvermouth, then continued with the recipe in the same pot, making it truly a one-dish meal. I added more salt than the recipe called for.

Jacques loved it. I had some leftover sauteed cabbage which went really well with it on the side.

A keeper!

Thanks, Joe! I had a feeling about this recipe. It just sounded so

good and easy. I can't wait to try it. I may give it a whirl with chicken drums until I can find turkey legs. I think the kids would love this. Thanks for posting and the report!

One of my favorite things in life is a bowl of freshly steamed and tender Fordhook Lima Beans...

...with a melted pat of butter and a sprinkle of medium grind sea salt. MMMMmmmm....


Dawn, with chicken legs I would wait to add them. My turkey legs were falling apart by the time the

beans were tender. If you're doing it all in one pan you could brown them then set them aside while the beans bake for the first hour.

I'm sure this would also work with 2 turkey leg-thighs if you're into cutting up your own.

Oh, me too! But just to clarify, this recipe calls for dried beans. I went back and edited.

I grow fresh limas every year. They take all summer to produce, they're a pain to shell, but they're so worth waiting for!

Hi Joe,

I made this, but my butter beans must have been old because they just would not cook up. I tossed them and used navy beans, since I had them and I knew they were fresh. I skinned the chicken legs, seasoned them and held off a bit, then added them to the beans. It was delicious and a big hit with customers. I can't wait to try it with turkey legs and butter beans. Thanks for posting, Joe!
