DawnNYS, here is a chicken tikka masala. Just ignore the chicken part and then

oh...and when I ran out of garam masala, I mixed up a batch following Ryan's quantities. WAY too hot

for me with a TBL of cayenne and a TBL of black pepper. I would cut those two back to 1/2 tsp each and then add more of each individual spice as needed. Always easier to add in than take out.

I didn't realize how hot it would be and had to add more of all of the OTHER ingredients. Actually, now I realize I simply could have taken a small portion of the original recipe and added the other spices to neutralize the hotness rather adjusting the full recipe quantities.

Well at least you have some leftovers? Thanks for the info, I think what they

had was chana masala. Then they had pieces of cooked chicken in the same sauce on the side, to add if you wanted. More of an observation than a request... I could never make it as easy and as good as they do. :eek:)

'Still trying to find the prepared tabouli there however because my parsley is just not growing in the backyard yet. Yesterday they (Wegmans) had cilantro tabouli, with a LOT of bulgar wheat and no parsley, but instead used cilantro, which was ok but I think I like the taste of the parsley version instead. Cilantro = soap bubbles to me. I did leave there with $22 worth of food from the Indian/Aisan/Medditeranean bar, however. Yikes! Over 3 pounds of it.
